- Ahmad Yani, S.Sy.,M.Pd
- Lalu Bohari, M.Pd
- Yunia Istiyaningsih, S.Pd
- Juhaeriyah, S.Pd
- Rizal Hartono, S.Kom
- Dewi Syifa Alawiyah, S.Pd
- Husnul Khotimah, S.Kom
Editor :
- Ahmad Yani, S.Sy.,M.Pd
- TIM Creative
desain cover:
- Sanabil Creative
Dimensi dan Jumlah Halaman:
- 14 x 21 cm (iv + 118 hlm)
- Tahun Terbit : 2023
- ISBN : 978-623-317-400-8
With all humility, we present this book “1000 DAILY EXPRESSIONS” for the world of English education. In this publication we present many daily expressions to develop your English competency that would be quickly and easily understood by all groups.
We are fully aware that the compilation of this book is far from perfection, therefore constructive criticism and suggestions are highly expected for the perfection of this book.