Teaching English As Foreign Language

Penulis :

  • Hj. Nurul Lailatul Khusniyah

Editor :

  • Dr. H. Lukman Hakim, M.Pd.

Layout :

  • sanabil creative

Desain Cover :

  • sanabil creative

Dimensi dan Jumlah Halaman :

  • 14 x 21 cm (222 hlm)
  • Tahun terbit : 2019


  • 978-623-7090-34-2

This book gave the comprehensive of language and teaching learning process in English subject. The readers will know the concept of teaching speaking, listening, reading, and writing. Besides that, process of teaching needs of the multimedia and technology.
Most language teaching has not been concerned with these issues. It teaches language – a standard native homeland monolingual variety believed to be good for all purposes and all people. It cannot be assumed that all students of English now need it as a hypercentral language, or that all English children need French as a local language for visiting France, or that all learners of Chinese are heritage learners; and so on. We need to see how language teaching can better prepare people for use of second languages in the diverse situations in which they find themselves in the twentyfirst century.
Radical educators argue, however, that teaching that effects real change towards more equality in society requires structural change. This means educational systems and the people within them need to problematise what seems normal. Within that the notion of how knowledge is perceived at all needs to be reexamined. This chapter has described and highlighted a range of radical pedagogies that purport to do this. The field is awash with terminology which at first seems to be articulating very similar positions. Such a perception is further complicated by the limited amount of cross-referencing between the different thematic strands. For example, we have seen the failure to connect
environmental education in school and in later life.

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