Competence Basic Learning For Elementary School


  • Afira Yulistiara
  • Dewi Rizqah
  • Disa Sukma
  • Nada Maharani
  • Najma Arsyarrohmah
  • Wina Atmawati
  • Hongki Candra Saputra
  • Meriyani Dwi Ariyanti

Editor :

  • Jaelani,M.App.Ling


  • Afira Yulistiara

desain cover:

  • Disa Sukma

Dimensi dan Jumlah Halaman:

  • 18 x 26 cm (177 cm)
  • Tahun Perencanaan Terbit : 2023

This book is written for children who want to learn English, a place where adventure and fun come together. In these colorful pages, children can explore together the beauty of the English language and discover the magic of every word.

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