Penulis :
- Dr. Hj. Nurul Lailatul Khusniyah, M.Pd
Editor :
- Dr. Ribahan, M.Pd.
Layout :
- Tim FTK
Desain Cover :
- Sanabil Creative
Dimensi dan Jumlah Halaman :
- 15,5 x 23 cm (259 hlm)
- Tahun terbit : 2020
- 978-623-317-004-8
Grammar has essential role in understanding English subject for students. The basic can use to comprehend meaning in sentence. Besides, it supported to create a good writing. Therefore, every student must master basic grammar knowledge that is useful in writing or speaking.
This book provides a basic knowledge information for grammar learning. The first understanding of part of speech is discussed into several chapters consisting of chapter 1 on nouns, chapter 2 on pronouns, chapter 3 on verbs, chapter 4 on adjectives, chapter 5 on adverbs, chapter 6 on prepositions, and chapter 7 on conjunctions. After understanding the part of speech, it is followed by understanding the sentence. Students learn about building sentences consisting of sentence types, simple sentences, compound sentences, and complex sentences which are presented in chapter 8. While chapter 9 discusses fragments and chapter 10 about run-ons. These two chapters are very important in composing writing. Chapter 11 continues with the concept of the subject-verb agreement. In writing, students must also pay attention to the capital, numbers, and abbreviations that are presented in chapter 12. Furthermore, this book also provides an overview of punctuation in chapter 13 which consists of an apostrophe, quotation, and a comma. Thus, the series of chapters can help the English Foreign Language students in the class.