- Istiqlalul Umam
- Sahrul Ramadhan
- Abdi Dayyan
- Mila Antika
- Fifi Fazila
- Dien da Khairun Nisa’
- Dwi Riski Ramdan
- Imas Putri Mahsad
Editor :
- Jaelani,M.App.Ling
- Mila Antika
- Istiqlalul Umam
desain cover:
- Dwi Riski Ramdan
Dimensi dan Jumlah Halaman:
- 21,5 x 27,9 cm (174 hlm)
- Tahun Perencanaan Terbit: 2023
Teaching English in Junior High Schools (SMP) is a basic stage in linguistic education and is a mandatory component in the curriculum. Therefore, this book was written to support the rich treasures of English knowledge specifically for junior high school level. This book is equipped with pictures to make it easier for students to understand the subject