- Rifki Arya Pradiva
- Doni Saputra,
- Elsan Azzahrah
- Erika Ayuningsih
- Ibnu walid
- Nia Rufaidah
- Rialasifa
- Shofa Baroroh
Editor :
- Jaelani, M.App.Ling
- Rifki Arya Pradiva
desain cover:
- Ibnu Walid
Dimensi dan Jumlah Halaman:
- 18 x 26 (173 hlm)
- ISBN : 978-623-317-420-6
- Tahun Terbit: 2023
Students are expected to be able to use the information they learn from this book while studying for each unit. As a tool to assess students comprehension of the materials, each chapter includes reflections. They must also be able to express themselves creatively and improve their English using this book as a guide.
The writer hopes that suggestions and comments from all learners and colleagues who use this textbook. Students be better in the future. Hopefully, this textbook could give optimal benefits to the all readers.