- Ainun Jariah,
- Dzurryatan Thoiyyibah,
- Bq Sri Saumi Rahmatun,
- Rabbania Zaikalina,
- Nia Astuti,
- Silvia Al Viana,
- Rosdiana Dewi Shandy.
- Dr. S Ali Jadid Al Idrus M.Pd.
Dimensi dan Jumlah Halaman:
- 15,5 x 23 cm (238 hlm)
- ISBN : 978-623-317-381-0
- Tahun Terbit : 2022
The book entitled ”Research Insight on English Speaking: Challenges, Strategies, and Autonomyā€¯ comes with a religion and science orientation, with the spirit of Horizon Science at UIN Mataram with inter-multi-transdisciplinary science that dialogues methods in conventional Islamic studies with deductive-normative characteristics. Theological studies with contemporary humanities methods such as sociology, anthropology, psychology, economics, hermeneutics, phenomenology, and natural sciences with an inductive-rational character.
This book contains the chapter that focus on the field of English skills especially speaking. In this book, there are seven recent studies from different authors with different perspectives. starting with an analysis of students’ difficulties in English speaking, followed by the effect of using games on students’ English speaking skills, then the impact of serial images in teaching speaking, then students’ autonomy in learning EFL, then the correlation between self -confidence, self-efficacy, and their speaking ability, there is also an analysis of students’ level of thinking in speaking activities, and closed by students’ perception of videos used as the media in teaching English.
Based on the previous words, it is inevitable that there are several insights about learning and ability in English, especially in speaking which can be found in only one book so that readers can find related studies according to their needs through this book. It is also intended to be widely read by students, lecturers, researchers, tutors, and the general public. Therefore, this book is expected to be a source of knowledge and a reference for education observers to be used in the classroom or developed according to their individual needs.