Penulis :
- Jumrah, M.Pd.
Editor :
- Afif Ikhwanul Muslimin, M.Pd.
Layout :
- Tim FTK
Desain Cover :
- Sanabil Creative
Dimensi dan Jumlah Halaman :
- 15,5 x 23 cm (236 hlm)
- Tahun terbit : 2020
- 978-623-317-017-8
This book was prepared with the aim of providing teaching materials for the speaking for everyday communication course. Learning materials and assignments are developed with the principle of a communicative approach to develop students> competencies in the four language skills, namely listening, speaking, reading, and writing. The learning materials and tasks in this book are organized into two learning cycles, namely the oral cycle and the written cycle. While the oral cycle emphasizes the development of listening and speaking skills, the writing cycle develops reading and writing skills. In accordance with the principle of integration in language learning, the two cycles develop the four language skills in an integrated manner. In addition, for enrichment and evaluation purposes, each chapter is equipped with structured assignments in the form of exercises and evaluations.
The learning materials and activities in this book are further developed to encourage learning in students. Learning activities are developed to make students individually, in pairs and small groups actively learn English through activities to understand and use English to naturally express ideas and feelings. Lecturers act more as facilitators, give feedback, and encourage students to dare to express themselves. With such learning activities and the role of the teacher, students are guided and get facilitation in practicing expressing themselves so that they are gradually able to communicate well.