- Diaz Wijaya Kusuma
- Ismiatin
- Nurul Isnaini
- Fatmawati
- Muhammad Saipullah
- Nifka Abdurahman
- Muhammad Sayyid Agus Salim
- Husnul Khatimah
Editor :
- Jaelani, M.App.Ling
- Diaz Wijaya Kusuma
desain cover:
- Muhammad Saipullah
Dimensi dan Jumlah Halaman:
- 18 x 26 cm (170 hlm)
- ISBN : 978-623-317-415-2
- Tahun Terbit: 2023
When you open the pages of this book, you will take the first step into an exciting and enjoyable intellectual adventure. This book is the result of strong efforts and dedication, as well as a hope to share knowledge, inspiration, and understanding with the readers.
This book may be just a collection of words on paper, but for us, it is evidence of a dedicated intellectual journey filled with diverse experiences. It comprises a collection of ideas, stories, and visions that we wish to convey to you, the valuable readers.
We cannot hide our gratitude to all those who have supported and encouraged us during this journey. Tutors, friends, colleagues, and advisors—all have provided inspiration, assistance, and motivation to bring this book to fruition.
We also extend our thanks to the publishing team who worked diligently to publish this book and make it available to students. Without their support, this book may have never reached your hands.