- M Hafizan Fathony
- Irfan Efendi
- Alia Wahyu Rizkia
- Najwa Aulia
- Khairul Majdi
- Hagizin Abror
Editor :
- Jaelani, M.App.Ling
- Irfan Efendi
desain cover:
- Irfan Efendi
Dimensi dan Jumlah Halaman:
- 21,5 x 27,9 cm (174 hlm)
- ISBN : 978-623-317-419-0
- Tahun Terbit: 2023
The main issue often faced by beginner learners in mastering the English language is the lack of vocabulary. Vocabulary is one of the essential components, but it’s not the only concern. Some problems include the difficulty in constructing sentences (insufficient grasp of grammar), using sentences that are regionally styled, and the distinct differences between written and spoken English.