- Amilatusshalihah
- Erra Lestari
- Mirnawati
- M.yuda Purnawan muharomi
- Nor Azleni
- Novita Sisasfika
- Santi Satriawati
- Taufik Hidayah
Editor :
- Jaelani, M.App.Ling
- M.yuda Purnawan muharomi
desain cover:
- M.yuda Purnawan muharomi
Dimensi dan Jumlah Halaman:
- 15 x 23 (173 hlm)
- ISBN : 978-623-317-422-0
- Tahun Terbit: 2023
This book is a suitable textbook for 4th grade elementary school students who want to learn English. This book covers learning about greeting + introduction, Alphabet, numbers, colours, Day + Months, part of the body, family, House, class, Hobbies, occupation, food and dining, animals and transportation. The book also presents its various topics in a fun and interesting way. Each topic is presented simply and easily understood by students.
With this book, students will be able to learn many new things while still being entertained. This is the perfect book to help elementary school students understand various important topics in their daily lives.